Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Useful Vehicle Modifications

So far I have only been able to load 3 machines at a time on my truck. Last weekend I made a bed extention for my truck out of 3/4" plywood and some 2x4s.

The 2x4s help distribute the weight of the machines in the rear.

Got 4 machines on... could have done 5, but we were coming back for 3 more anyway. Plus it would have been difficult to unload 5 machines when we got to our destination.

New Record!!! Four machines at one time... let's try for 5 next time!!!

We came back for 3 more, it's nice to be able to line them up 3 in a row...

Bastard Kong!!!

Started with an orange DK Jr. Stole a Bezel from another DK project cabinet. Had a bezel laying around that was badly scratched in the middle, so I routed out an inverted trapezoid where the scratches were and bolted some clean plexi onto it. DK3 control panel that was very clean, drilled a second hole into it. Added a 19" PC monitor, ATX power supply, JAMMA harness and a multiboard... got yourself one sick bastard Donkey Kong. It now lives in a cabin up in the North Georgia

Multi Williams

Finished this MultiWilliams just in time for Preston's Arcade bash...


Made these two Mini-Multis for Scott down in Gainesville...

The Force is with us... Again...

OK, after I got my Atari Star Wars, I just had to go out and get this one. Apparently, it is a Star Wars Trilogy Arcade in a Virtua Fighter style cabinet, with full sideart.

And I do mean FULL sideart: